Protect the brick wall from weather elements, use accessible and affordable techniques, and achieve impressive aesthetic results.
Clique e saiba mais.Thoroughly clean the wall to remove dirt and debris, then hydrate the surface for optimal adhesion of the mortar.
Clique e saiba mais.Mix the mortar with a colored pigment to create a vibrant hue, protecting the wall and adding visual appeal.
Clique e saiba mais.Use a short-nap roller to apply the colored mortar, creating a uniform and textured finish without specialized labor.
Clique e saiba mais.Experiment with graffiti-inspired effects or natural textures using the mortar for even more impressive results.
Clique e saiba mais.Use a high-adhesion and flexible mortar, and maintain a consistent application pattern for a cohesive look.
Clique e saiba mais.With creativity and the techniques presented, you can turn your ordinary brick wall into a true work of art.
Clique e saiba mais.